To preserve the safety of everybody, laws exist to dictate the actions of motorists. These laws extend to some aspects of maintenance. They minimise the risk of component failure and the potential for accidents. Our garage in Camden is handily placed for road users in Hampstead Heath. We regularly receive questions about
car servicing, whether a car MOT is required by law or not, and if car tyres must meet certain conditions.
As specialists in everything from complete engine rebuilds to car body repairs, at Globe Motors, we keep abreast of all legal developments.
Below, we take a closer look at our core garage services and how current laws apply to them. All information is correct as of April 2021. To discuss anything, from servicing and car MOTs to car tyres and car body repairs, call 020 7387 8803. You can also see the results we achieve on our gallery page.
Some of the key considerations we cover include:
Voted best garage in Camden 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021